Dragon ink

Base Information
Facility Type | Tattoo Studio |
Facility Name | Dragon ink |
Address | 203, 1-20-19 Kronehaus Muromi 1-20-19, sawara-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka MAP |
Features |
Comment | Unregistered |
Reservation Method | Reservations by phone Web site e-mail form Reservations by e-mail Reservations on line (can be added from the website) |
Access | 5-minute walk from Subway Muromi Station. |
Parking | Several coin-operated parking spaces available nearby. |
Price | One point from 15,000 Cigarette size from 30,000 Postcard size from 60,000 For large designs, it depends on the physique, constitution, area to be treated and the detail of the design. For more information, please visit the website or contact us. |
Business Hours |
non-scheduled holiday |
Phone Number | 08090510449 |
Homepage | Homepage |
SNS Links |
Update History
Please note that there may be errors in the facility information. Please check the official facility page or directly with the facility for accurate information.