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Announcing the Launch of "Tattoo Japan"!

Announcing the Launch of "Tattoo Japan"!

We are pleased to announce the release of "Tattoo Japan", a portal site where you can search for tattoo studios and Tattoo-friendly facilities in Japan

What is "Tattoo Japan"?

"Tattoo Japan" is a special WebSite for people with tattoos.

You can easily search and find "Hot springs", "Hotels", and other facilities that understand the tattoo culture and allow tattoos.

Key Features

  • Tattoo Studio & Tattoo-Friendly Facility Search:
    • Easily search for tattoo studios and tattoo-friendly facilities across Japan (still gathering facilities).
  • Google Login:
    • If you have a Google account, you can log in (register as a user), register and edit facilities, register favorite facilities, and set up SNS accounts! (More features to be added)
  • Easy Facility Registration for Everyone:
    • Once you log in, you can freely register and edit information about the facilities you have visited. Facility owners can also register their facility information. Anyone can easily update information, so it can always be updated to the latest information! We want to build this not only by the management but also with the users!
  • Other Ideas:
    • We have plenty of features we want to implement, such as review features, user-to-user follow features, editing authority setting features by facility owner accounts, login features with LINE and X accounts, and more!

In Conclusion

**"want to eliminate prejudice against tattoos in Japan! **

With this in mind, we have launched a website where you can search for "Tattoo Studios" and facilities such as "Onsen", "Sento", "Hotels", "Ryokan", "Pools", and "Gyms" in Japan where tattoos and tattooing are acceptable.

While there are many Japanese who love tattoos as a part of their individuality and fashion, as well as many foreign tourists with tattoos, there are still prejudices against tattoos and restrictions such as entrance regulations in modern Japan.

Tattoo Japan" aims to bring this tattoo culture to a wider audience and build a happy Japan where all people can enjoy tattoos together!

We also hope that in the future, people will be able to go on trips, to swimming pools, hot springs, etc. without any hesitation, without using "Tattoo Japan", a search site for facilities where tattoos are allowed. We would like to work together with users to create this site, including the management of "Tattoo Japan", so that we can support the issues and problems that are still being faced by those who feel restricted by restrictions and prejudice.

We hope that users who share this desire will cooperate with us.

We look forward to your cooperation.

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